"13 Reason Why."

I have to say, if now you were a teenager you must watch this legit Netflix drama series at least once in your life. Because this series talked about some common and serious issues in teenagers life like bullying, abuse, rape and nuances of being teenager in this era or age of technology. Its really suites for us who were called as the millenial generation or the echo boomers.
Based on my POV after I watched this this ennormous drama series, every issues or problems that teenagers facing nowadays is commonly same from all around the world. It always 'bout bullying, abusing, and raping in some western country.
I was ever being bullied in junior highschool but I could handle it with the man way, and it solved :). But then I was wrong, facing bullying or other teenagers problem isn't always with angry or physics like the man way I said before, we could just say the magic words "Sorry" or we could do some argument with the bulliers till the bulliers was silenced or ashamed but in the right way. This series was showed me how to do it in the very very right way.
So if you have that "Teenagers Problems" or luckly you're not, maybe this Netflix drama series might help you to face it with the right way. Hope this trivial review was useful or maybe helpful, and thank you. 😏
Rate : 9/10
By : Nandoo.
By : Nandoo.
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