Second-hand Smoking
2013, ministry of health stated that Indonesia is ranked third with the highest
number of active smokers in the world[1].
Research proved that the amount of second-hand smoking (passive smokers) is
around 40,5% of 250 million people[2]. Nowadays,
a lot of people have not realized the dangerous effects of second-hand smoking
to human, animals, and environment.
first thing that need to be known is that second-hand smoking could destroy
human body and cause risky disease, such as cancer, coronary heart, and etc. Passive
smokers has 24% chance of getting lung cancer and 25% coronary heart[3].
Another research proves that 37,786 people in Indonesia die due to lung cancer.
second thing is that second-hand smoking danger the health of animals. A lot of
people do not know the fact that cigarette smoke makes animal susceptible to
asthma and other pulmonary complications[4]. A
research showed that exposure to cigarette smoke at home has a direct impact on
animals; there is a risk of ongoing cell damage, increased body weight, and
risk of certain types of cancer. The other research in U.S found that1
cigarette butt could kill the whole fish in the bucket[5].
but not least, second-hand smoking also hazardous to environment. Smoking is
one of the major factors of pollution in the world. Based on the research,
cigarette butts that discarded on the ground can be broken down by the soil
around 25-26 years[6].
Moreover cigarette butts that enter the water can cause death for animals that
eat it, because it contains dangerous substances[7].
Furthermore, a scientist found out that cigarette contain 10 time more particle
than diesel engine exhaust[8].
sum it up, the government must prohibit second hand smoking because there are
negative impact given by it, not only to human and animal, but also to
environment. Smokers should be banned to smoke in outdoor place, because non-smokers
have their entitlement to inhale fresh air.
[1] Alfa Gumilang, “162,6 juta penduduk Indonesia mengidap kanker,
paru-paru, dan jantung?” accessed
, Oct 6 2018
[2] ibid
[3] Muhammad Fauzi, “Jenis polusi udara yang disebabkan asap rokok dan
sebagainya” , accessed from
, Oct 6 2018
[4] Husen Fahad, “10 Efek Merokok: Merokok Terhadap Lingkungan dan
Kesehatan Manusia”, accessed from
, Oct 7 2018
[5] ibid
[6] Widya Arfianti “Dampak rokok bagi kesehatan lingkungan”, accessed from
, Oct 7 2018
[7] ibid
[8] Muhammad Fauzi, “Jenis polusi udara yang disebabkan asap rokok dan
sebagainya” , accessed from
, Oct 6 2018
Writer : Devi Faizatun
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