Lately, I like watch musical
dramas or animated videos from musical dramas. There are my favorite songs from
the musicals:
Candy Store (Heathers)
In this song, Heather Chandler lays down the law and
offers her protegée Veronica a choice: be cruel and powerful
like the Heathers or go back to your loser friends and be nobody. The song
starts when Veronica realizes Chandler has tricked her into forging a
cruel love letter to Martha, posing as Martha’s lifelong crush, Ram. I like how this song tells the mean girls point
of view. My favorite part is when Heather Duke sing and try to catch the
highnotes then being yelled by Heather Chandler, “Shut up, Heather!”, that’s
really funny.
Meant To Be Yours
JD breaks into Veronica’s room, wielding a gun, as
she barricades herself in the closet. Increasingly unhinged, he tells her he's
changed his mind about killing Martha, believing the solution to their problem
is to kill the student body that's brainwashed her. He reveals that the
petition, signed by every student at Westerburg, was actually a disguised
suicide note, and he plans to blow up the school while everyone's at a pep
rally, making it look like a mass suicide. Growing impatient, he breaks open
the door, and finds Veronica dangling from a noose. Grief-stricken, he rushes
out to complete his plan in her memory. This song tells about the psycho boy I
mean JD’s point of view. My favorite parts are when JD make “Bam! Bam! Bam!” and “Pkhw! Pkhw! Pkhw!”
sounds and also when he read the suicidal notes of Westerburg students.
Sincerely Me (Dear Evan
After realizing he needs evidence of his supposed
"secret email account", Evan enlists Jared's help in creating fake,
backdated email conversations between himself and Connor. This song is kinda
cute and I really like it. My favorite part is when they spell “Reinvention”
and “Your attention”, that’s cute.
During a break,
Christine tells Jeremy about her feelings for a guy she knows, which at first
seems to be Jeremy but actually turns out to be Jake. The way she tells Jeremy is
very ambiguous and it is annoying for Jeremy to believe that the person she
told is himself to know that he was Jake. It's annoying but it's also funny.
You’ll Be Back (Hamilton)
King George III is
dismayed by the American War of Independence and expresses
his belief that the American Colonists will crawl back to the British
Empire once their rebellion is squashed. My favorite part is when
King George III sing “dadadadada”,
that’s really adorable. My favorite lyrics are” I will send a
fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!” and “I will kill
your friends and family to remind you of my love”
That's my favorite songs from musicals, you
can watch the animation version with clicking the links above. I hope
you can enjoy it.
Sources: and and
By: Fauziatus Salamah
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