The Detrimental Effects Of Poverty
Poverty is the inability of individuals to fulfill the minimum basic needs for a decent life (Social Department and Statistical Center Bureau, 2002). The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) noted that Indonesia experienced the lowest point in terms of percentage of poverty since 1999, which was 9.82 percent in March 2018. As a result, there are many adverse effects caused by poverty itself, such as unemployment, crime, and education.
Unemployment is the impact of poverty, because education and skills are things that are difficult for the community to achieve, so people find it difficult to develop and find decent jobs to meet their needs. Due to the difficulty of working, the absence of income makes it difficult to meet needs, lack of nutrition and health, and cannot fulfill other important needs. For example, the price of rice is increasing, people who are unemployed find it difficult to buy rice. An unemployed person who cannot provide food to his child will be a bad impact for the future, so that they will get into trouble for a long time.
Crime is another impact of poverty. Difficulties in earning a living result in people forgetting themselves so that they look for a quick way without regard to halal or haram money as a medium of exchange to meet their needs. For example, robbery, theft, fraud, mugging and many more. They do it all because of conditions that are difficult to find income for survival and forget the values associated with God. In the global era and materialism as it is today, it is not surprising that crime occurs everywhere.
Poverty has a very detrimental effect on children's academic results, especially in early childhood. Chronic stress related to living in poverty has been shown to affect children's concentration and memory which can affect their ability to learn. The dropout rate of students living in low-income families is about four and a half times greater than the level of children from high-income families.
In conclusion, there are many adverse effects of poverty, both for society and the government. The alleviation of the problem of poverty is not only the obligation of the government, but the community must also realize that this social disease is a joint task and responsibility of the government and society. In facing poverty in the global age more creative, innovative and explorative efforts are needed.
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Writer : Devi Faizatun Ni'mah
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