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The Influence of Foreign Culture

The Influence of Foreign Culture

Foreign Culture is a culture that comes from outside the area that is received and lived by a community living in its own area[1]. Globalization is one of the factors causing the entry of foreign culture into Indonesia. Although foreign culture has a pleasant impact, there are likewise disreputable impacts carried by abroad culture. The disreputable abroad cultural influences that enter Indonesia cause cultural shock, individualistic, and consumptive behavior.

To begin with, the impact of abroad societies' culture that entered Indonesia caused cultural-shock. Cultural shocks are changes in social values ​​along with the advancement of the knowledge and time[2]. This generally happens in individuals who are experiencing a sudden move or exchanged to another environment. The abroad culture that entered Indonesia caused a change in social qualities in Indonesia. Furthermore, it makes Indonesian culture be feeble in light of the fact that Indonesians, particularly youngsters, are more fascinated by outside societies rather than learning local culture[3]

Next, the impact of abroad cultures caused the society being individualistic. The individualistic state of mind of the Indonesian has been seen since the entry of abroad culture. Indonesians, particularly those living in urban territories, have the mentality that individual interests are more important than the the others. This individualistic manner can debilitate Indonesian culture, for instance, team work and solving problems together with consideration[4]

Last but not least, the impact of abroad culture that get into Indonesia lead to consumptive mannerism[5]. This immoderate conduct has changed the manner of the Indonesian individuals end up materialistic. Extravagance merchandise likewise turn into an essential thing for a few peoples. This mannerism can lead to the inability to see domestic products. People will prefer to buy foreign products with an expensive price rather than purchasing local products[6]. The mentality that items beginning from abroad are superior to anything local items has scatterred among Indonesian. As a result, there will be social inequality.

All in all, besides bringing positive influence, foreign cultures also carry negative impacts that Indonesian people should avoid, such as causing culture-shock, the scatter of consumptive mannerism , and the society becomes individualistic. Therefore, peoples ought to be clever in sorting out something by knowing which things are terrible and nice to imitate.

[1] Astalog “Kebudayaan asing adalah?” accessed from
[2] Tdwclub “TDW Club - Apa itu Cultural Shock? Dan 5 Ciri Tanda-tanda Cultural Shock” accessed from
[3] Ridho octav “Mengapa Generasi Muda lebih tertarik budaya luar negeri daripada budaya negeri sendiri “ accessed from
[4] Rahmat Fauzi “Pengaruh individualisme sebagai dampak globalisasi terhadap budaya gotong royong’’ accessed from
[5] Inadlina “Budaya konsumtif di indonesia : Gaya hidup masyarakat global” accessed from

Writer : Devi Faizatun Ni'mah


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