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The differences between old horror movies and modern horror movies

The differences between old horror movies and modern horror movies
by : Siti Nur Qomariyah

            Horror movie is a genre of movie that everyone watches at least once. There is no specific definition in horror movies contain the sheer variety of characters, narrative events, and styles However, we all agree that we watch them for the purpose of entertainment and experience fear and tension. People who are tired of their busy schedules watch horror movies to taste and enjoy the feeling of being scared. Horror movie has been made from a long time as the first horror movie Le Manoir du Diable by Georges Méliès (1896) to the modern one like A Quiet Place by John Krasinski (2018). Horror movies have changed significantly in the past year.
            Subgenres in horror movies are very different from movies in the past. Most people think that they are all the same; however, that is not true at all.Some subgenres are more popular at certain time”shape shift from decade to decade as the fear of the populer audience change”. For example, in 1980s the slasher subgenres were more popular in that era creating movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) and Friday The 13th (1980). Moreover, supernatural and psychology subgenres are more dominant in the 2000s – 2017s creating movies like Paranormal Activity (2007) and Green room (2016). There are other subgenres like comedy horror, zombie film, and monster film that are less popular such as Zombie Land (2009) and Godzilla (1954). Today horror movie have no popular subgenres, every subgenres have the same popularity as other subgenres.
            Old horror movies antagonist is very iconic rather than the modern one. Old horror movies villains are based on the real-life killer or real-life event with unique characters design to make them stand out. For example, Michael Myers (Halloween 1978) wears a white mask and kill its victim with a kitchen knife and Leatherface (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974) wearing a mask made out of human skin and kill its victim with a chainsaw. Moreover, modern horror antagonist is still based on the real event or urban legend, but have a simple design and are barely seen in the movie. For example, Toby or The Entity (Paranormal Activity 2007) a demon that possesses people and turns them evil and Rustin Parr (The Blair Witch Project 1999) a guy that has supernatural power but is only seen in an old picture and nothing else. Today horror movies antagonist is a mix of everything, but can't reach the same level of iconic old horror movies antagonist had.
            People perspective on old horror movie and modern horror movie. Many people feel that the quality of horror movie is reduce gradually.Some, feel that old horror movies are better than the new one and vice versa.For example, Jaws (1975) where it has a story that can happen in real life but has an unrealistic setting. A Quiet Place (2018)  has an unrealistic story, but have a realistic setting.Old horror films were scary in their time because the general public had never been exposed to movies that targeted fear before. They are not as impactingto us today because they were made to frighten audiences in that time period, who were not as de-sensitized as the modern human being. What a person was afraid of in the 1975s is certainly not the same as what we fear.
            Every horror movies era has an up and down. No horror movie is perfect, each horror movie in a different era have there pro and cons. A lot of old horror movie has a great story and an amazing premise, but can sometimes be campy and unrealistic. A lot of modern horror movies have an amazing setting and look very realistic, but can have a confusing story and many plot hole. However, even with this difference horror movie is still very enjoyable and are sure to evolve and reveal new formulas, new fears, and new films


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