My experience of the learning process as a student collage I was a student majoring in literature in the English faculty of humanities at the state Islamic university Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Now I will tell you about the course of my lecture starting from the first semester to three semesters. When I was 1st semester, I had so many things that I wanted to fulfill like : - Following an organization that could accommodate me for critical thinking and to give me an in-depth understanding of the world of lectures. -I want to improve my language skills. but unfortunately in the early days there were no speaking subjects. the last is to make a study group with classmates. this is slim on the advice of my lecturer. With the aim of teaching us to blend in more with other friends without looking at gender. You could say that all of the above targets were achieved without any obstacles except number two. Cont...

Benefits of Walking by : Siti Nur Qomariyah Walking is an easy and simple form of exercise. It can be done anytime and anywhere. But at this time people prefer to use transportation rather than walking. Today's people are lazy to walk, even though walking has many benefits. Walking can reduce the symptoms of varicose veins. Varicose veins will very likely occur with age. This condition is caused by swelling of the veins that occur around the calves and legs. To reduce the swelling that occurs, then walk for 30 minutes every day. Walking can also reduce weight. Especially for people who are on a diet program. Regular walking can increase the body's response to insulin and reduce belly fat. This happens because walking will increase the body's metabolism by burning calories that turn into fat. 200 calories will burn by walking for 30 minutes. Walking can create a good mood. This is because the body experiences changes in the nervous system. A 30 minute walk is...