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Showing posts from January, 2019
My experience of the learning process as a student collage       I was a student majoring in literature in the English faculty of humanities at the state Islamic university Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Now I will tell you about the course of my lecture starting from the first semester to three semesters.       When I was 1st semester, I had so many things that I wanted to fulfill like : - Following an organization that could accommodate me for critical thinking and to give me an in-depth understanding of the world of lectures. -I want to improve my language skills. but unfortunately in the early days there were no speaking subjects. the last is to make a study group with classmates. this is slim on the advice of my lecturer. With the aim of teaching us to blend in more with other friends without looking at gender. You could say that all of the above targets were achieved without any obstacles except number two.       Cont...

Benefits of Walking

Benefits of Walking by : Siti Nur Qomariyah Walking is an easy and simple form of exercise. It can be done anytime and anywhere. But at this time people prefer to use transportation rather than walking. Today's people are lazy to walk, even though walking has many benefits. Walking can reduce the symptoms of varicose veins. Varicose veins will very likely occur with age. This condition is caused by swelling of the veins that occur around the calves and legs. To reduce the swelling that occurs, then walk for 30 minutes every day. Walking can also reduce weight. Especially for people who are on a diet program. Regular walking can increase the body's response to insulin and reduce belly fat. This happens because walking will increase the body's metabolism by burning calories that turn into fat. 200 calories will burn by walking for 30 minutes. Walking can create a good mood. This is because the body experiences changes in the nervous system. A 30 minute walk is...

The impact of using a gadget before going to bed

The impact of using a gadget before going to bed by : Siti Nur Qomariyah The habit of staring at the screens of smartphones and tablets at night gives a negative impact on health. A study taken from Hardvard Health Publications said that humans have a natural cycle in which we will be awake during the day and sleep at night. When exposed to screen light at night this cycle will potentially be damaged. There are 4 negative effects because of staring at the smartphones screen at night. Looking at the screen of a smartphone and tablet at night can endanger the eyes. Exposure to light on the smartphone screen reduces the level of blinking of the eye. Finally this can cause eye irritation, tension, dryness in the eye area to run away. Moorfields Eye Hospital also found that many office workers complained of pain and redness in the area of ​​their eyes as a result of too long a PC / computer screen. Therefore, staring at the smartphone screen at night is very much for eye healt...

My Pencak Silat Journey

I became interested in pencak silat when I was in 5th grade. at that time my parents did not give me permission to take part in this martial activity because at that time there was a lot of chaos between the pencak silat organization. my efforts don't end there. When I was in middle school, in grade 2 of junior high school, I asked my parents for permission to take part in pencak silat activities. But still, the answer is no. finally I decided to register myself with one of the pencak silat organizations in silence without the knowledge of parents. I have practiced martial arts for three months, finally my parents learned that I had practiced silat through the silat uniform that I kept in my room. I was immediately scolded and told to stop attending martial arts training. What's worse is that they advised me to just follow foreign martial arts which he said were safer. Saya menolaknya, karena saya sudah benar benar mencintai silat. After that incident I decided to stop traini...

Pencak Silat is a Martial Art That is Very Suitable to be Applied in Indonesia.

Pencak Silat is a genuine martial art from the Nusantara archipelago (former Majapahit territory). Unfortunately, in the country itself the existence of pencak silat is almost dimmed. People prefer foreign martial arts which are said to be cooler and slime. Even though Pencak Silat is a martial arts that is suitable to be applied in Indonesia. it's just that most people don't know the hidden side of this Pencak Silat. They tend to judge from the outside, then say Pencak Silat is just a tacky martial arts because it can only do riot. Their opinions are not right. These are some of the hidden sides of Pencak Silat that are rarely known to people. 1. Pencak Silat is more than just martial arts Pencak silat is not just teaching to be able to protect themselves or attack, but by learning the science of martial arts we can obtain various knowledge that we can apply in everyday life. In pencak silat it is taught about the values ​​of religion, art, sports, and even in large aspects i...

An Alternative Way to Clean The Guitar

For a guitarist, the guitar is his favorite weapon that must be properly maintained starting from the appearance, condition, and performance. But the cost required to treat the guitar is not small. Just cleaning the guitar must use a special cleaner that is very expensive. But is there no other way to keep the guitar clean without spending a lot of money? Of course there is. Indonesians are very creative in their brains when it comes to saving costs. This is an alternative way to clean the guitar enough by using baby oil. Yes, baby oil is usually sold at the pharmacy. This oil is later used to clean the guitar which in fact is made of wood. How to? here are the steps. 1. Remove all strings to simplify the cleaning process, all guitar strings must be removed. 2. Clean the dust Wipe the entire surface of the guitar using a clean rag or cloth. 3. Oiling start pouring oil on the other lap with enough amount to wipe the body part of the guitar. Apply to the entire surface of the guitar bod...

The Drop D Tuning (Advantages and Disadvantages)

What is Drop D? Drop D is one of the secret techniques in tuning guitars that are usually used by metal or rock guitarists, by loosening string 6 in standard E tuning so that it becomes D-tone or lowered by 2 columns or 1 tone. As always, of course this type of tuning has advantages and disadvantages, here they are. Advantages -Easier when using basic keys5. Example: F5, G5, A5. -Easy to play power chords. Because usually it only involves strings number 4, 5 and 6 only. So, with one finger is enough to play the guitar with a drop D tuning. -More make the strings and neck guitar durable. Because the strings are loosened, the guitar neck is not too pulled by the strings. Disadvantages -It is difficult to use ordinary basic key locks other than basic keys5. Example: F, G, Em. But for those who are used to it, it might be easy. -It is difficult to reach a minor key because this function basically functions to power the power chord. That's how little explanation about Drop D tuning. Ac...

Is It Different Between Arpeggio and Chord?

When playing sweeping arpeggio techniques, always make comments from listeners (lay people). They always say "why is it hard to play arpeggio? Playing chords is the same." indeed arpeggio and chord have similarities, but on the other hand these two techniques are very different. Here is the explanation. Arpeggio. Arpeggio is chord notes that are played one by one. so, suppose we play the D key, then the notes are played one by one. But the tone must sound or be picked one by one or the tone may not sound in the same time. Because if there is more than one note that sounds together, then it is a chord, not an arpeggio. It can be concluded that the chord and arpeggio are different, but there are similarities. In Chords, each note is played at the same time. while the arpeggio is played one by one. At first arpeggio sounds like classical music. So if you want to make your music a bit like a classic, you can use arpeggio. It should also be noted that the arpeggio and scales ar...

My Favourite Guitar Techniques

Everyone must have different tastes, for example music. The taste of people in music or enjoying music is of course different. Starting from the flow of music, color, to the style of play. I myself as a musician have my own favorite style of music. in playing guitar I have several favorite techniques. The first technique is the Pentatonic scale Melody. Pentatonic scale is a technique that is very often used in various types of music. Pentatonic scale techniques are very much played by rock guitarists, blues and even jazz to improvise using certain progressions. The Pentatonic Scale has the format 1-2-3-5-6. To more easily we use the example of C Major Scale: C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C or 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. So to get C Major pentatonic scale we take not 1 = C, 2 = D, 3 = E, 5 = G, and 6 = A. In the 4th and 7th Pentatonic scale not used so that only 5 tones are used (C, D, E, G, A) called Pentatonic (Penta: five). I use this technique when I improvise or to fill a melody. Because it has a major t...

University vs School

University vs School by : Siti Nur Qomariyah At first time I study in university, I was shock. All I have imagined is wrong. I thought study in university as I watch in most of film in Indonesia. They can be relaxed after the class, they can go to anywhere they want, and they also can work part time. In fact, learning in university makes me busier than I was in the school. Moreover most of the assignment is more complicated. There are some differences between learning in University and in the school.                 When studying in University, I am required to be self-learning. Most of the lecturer usually only teach about the basic of the materials. If we do not study by ourselves and only based on what lecturer give to us, we will get nothing. Besides, sometimes lecturer have asked to the student read before enter in the class. Then in the class is only to discuss about the difficulties, the lecturer...

The differences between old horror movies and modern horror movies

The differences between old horror movies and modern horror movies by : Siti Nur Qomariyah             Horror movie is a genre of movie that everyone watches at least once. There is no specific definition in horror movies contain the sheer variety of characters, narrative events, and styles However, we all agree that we watch them for the purpose of entertainment and experience fear and tension. People who are tired of their busy schedules watch horror movies to taste and enjoy the feeling of being scared . Horror movie has been made from a long time as the first horror movie Le Manoir du Diable by Georges Méliès (1896) to the modern one like A Quiet Place by John Krasinski (2018). Horror movies have changed significantly in the past year.             Subgenres in horror movies are very different from movies in the past. Most people think that they are all the sam...

Because the time has changed

Because the time has changed by : Siti Nur Qomariyah A teenager is someone that ages for about 13 and 19 years old. That age is the people experienced a significant change in physical and psychological. Teenagers in this era are different with teenagers in past. Teenagers in 90s do not dependent on technology. However, teenagers in this era have been introduced to sophisticated technology and they are very addicted to it. They are famous as millennial generation. In fact, the lifestyle teenagers today are very different from a teenager in the millennial era. The difference that was really clear from teenagers in 90s and millennial era is when they were in the school.   in the past, teenagers had a high enthusiasm for learning. Although at that time still there was no motorcycle, they still spirit to take a walk in the far away for learning. Moreover, when the teachers gave them some assignments, they never complain. At that time there was no internet but they did it wel...

Ayat –Ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan (review)

Ayat –Ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan by : Siti Nur Qomariyah Most people in Indonesia like a film that romantic and Islamic. For instance is the film of Ayat-ayat Cinta has been watched by a lot of Indonesian people since the first time it aired. The reason why people watched it is that this film tells about the Islamic family life. Likewise, The film of Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan is a success to be the favorite film in Indonesia. Both Ayat-ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan include The Ten Best Seller Films in Indonesia.   Ayat –Ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan have some similarities in terms of physical, theme and moral value. They are both Ayat-ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan physically made by famous film production by taking stories from best seller novels from Indonesia. Ayat –Ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan are produced by Manoj Punjab and MD Pictures. Both of these films are successfully awarded in their respective re...

Advantages and Disadvantages of internet for kids

Advantages and Disadvantages of internet for kids by : Siti Nur Qomariyah As we know, a long time ago it was really hard to communicate with each other or even people from outsiders. With the development of technology, at last telephone was made and it is used till now. Those genius people made many useful stuff such as telephone, mobile-phone, airplane, computer and so on. However, those kinds of items were really rare in the past, but now it is really common to everyone and almost everyone has it. Presently, there is one useful thing that is used by everyone to communicate with each other quickly and simply, which is Internet. Using internet, people can communicate with others even with a long distance. Moreover, it may also be used for gaming, web-browsing, chatting, downloading, sharing files, etc. However, there are many advantages and disadvantages of internet for children. One major advantage of internet for kids is that good for kids to know how to use a computer an...

Celebrations in India

Celebrations in India by : Siti Nur Qomariyah India has many religions, such as Christian, Hindu, Islam and etc. Every religion has their own culture and celebration day. Each celebration are celebrated on a rituals from each religion. the rituals are organized with uniquely in different ways because it has their own stories. However, India celebrated Christian, Hindu, and Islam holiday. Christmast and post celebration are celebrated in India every year. The celebration and the preparation is started in the month of November only. A week before the festival, people clean their house and start decorating their house by beautiful lanterns which are hung in front of the house or in the balcony. The important things in christmast festival are variety of cakes, beautiful candles, christamast carol and Christmas tree. At the festival, churches are decorated wonderfully. On December 25 th is festival day. Christian people pray in the church and then exchange wishes and gift each ot...

Explore Malang

Explore Malang by : Siti Nur Qomariyah Lately, Malang is crowded with tourists from domestic and overseas. Malang has a variety of tourist attractions that are very different from other places. Malang has a lot of beautiful beaches, a lot of historical places, and a lot of amazing natural destination. Besides, Malang also has a variety of delicious culinary. Malang is a suitable place to spend holidays because it is educating, challenging and fun.   The tourisms in Malang make the visitors brilliant. There are a lot of tours in Malang whose purpose is to increase knowledge from the visitors.   For example Eco Green Park that has 7 zones to improve our knowledge. Those are zone world parrot, zone Ryle, zone house upside down, eco journey, and exotic white peacock. In addition, animal museum at Jatimpark 2 shows us about fossils of various types of dinosaurs and other animals from various continents. Also, The Bagong Adventure Human Body Museum, here we will know about...


Everyone has their own dreams that they want to reach. The dreams sometimes seem so high and sometimes so simply to realize it. Different people also has different ways to bring they dreams into reality. By having dreams we will know about our goal in life. So do I, I have a dream to continue my master degree in abroad, exactly in Australia. Therefore I follow some seminars in order that I know how to continue studying abroad. In seminar I get several tips to succeed getting scholarship abroad. Firstly, we must never give up and be brave to try many kinds of opportunities to go abroad, for instance student exchange or other event that make us go abroad. Although at first attempt we fail, we must try and try again until we get it. For example from my lecturer is when he was student of university he ever tried to follow student exchange until three times but unfortunately he is failed. Then when he had graduated from university he tried again to apply scholarship studying in abroad u...


DIVORCE IN INDONESIA by : Siti Nur Qomariyah What’s wrong with marriage in Indonesia?   There are a lot of couple that has a long time together but they suddenly decide to end their marriage. On the surface, everything seems to be no problem. However, they feel uncomfortable anymore with their marriage. Based on this phenomenon, there are several reasons for why divorce in Indonesia is increasing. Economic aspects are the main factor causing divorce in Indonesia. Divorce not only happened in poor families but also rich families. The cause of divorce in rich families is because their lifestyle is too excessive. Because a lifestyle that is too luxurious and excessive will be able to cause new problems that result in divorce. In addition, wife's income which is far more than her husband can be starting point of divorce. Another reason is one of the couple too busy with their jobs. We know that we need money to fulfill our need, but they are too busy until there is no time...

Beautiful Mistake

Beautiful Mistake by : Siti Nur Qomariyah Mistake is not to be regretted, I believe that every mistake must have a lesson. No matter how bad your mistakes are, it is an experience that you can learn from it. Start from make mistake, you will know which is good for you or not. You can become stronger and better in living this life if you can take the lesson the lesson in every your mistake. Mistake is the best experience. My beautiful mistake was when I fell in love with you. First, I fell in love with you when I was in senior high school. Senior high school is the best time to strengthen my knowledge. It was to focus on only studying.   My reason why I love you at that time was because you are clever. I think saying love will make me more enthusiastic about learning. In contrast, I was not focus for studying. Finally I realize that Senior high school is time for study not steady. Second, I love you but I was not sure that I will be with you. I was not confident when I kno...

Ayat –Ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan (essay)

Ayat –Ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan by : Siti Nur Qomariyah Most people in Indonesia prefer to watch a romantic and Islamic film. For instance is the film of Ayat-ayat Cinta that has been watched by a lot of Indonesian people since the first time it is aired (Hawari: 2017). The reason why people watched it is that this film tells about the Islamic family life. Likewise, The film of Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan is a success to be the favorite film in Indonesia. [1] Both Ayat-ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan are two of   The Ten Best Seller Films in Indonesia.   Ayat –Ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan have some similarities in terms of physical, theme and moral value. They both Ayat-ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan are physically made by famous film production by taking stories from the best seller novels from Indonesia. Ayat –Ayat Cinta and Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan are produced by Manoj Punjab and MD Pictures (Aini: 2016). Both of ...

Essay (An upgrade animation from 2-dimension into 3-dimension)

An upgrade animation from 2-dimension into 3-dimension by : Siti Nur Qomariyah In comparison with the former 2-dimensional animation film, today’s animation is more lifelike with 3-dimensional animation. 3-dimensional is an upgrade in animation technology that comes after 2-dimension. 3-dimension is the way of creating cartoon characters are almost as a physical object that is completely made on computer (Syahfitri. 2011). Different from 3-dimension, Hendrianto (2017) says that animation with 2-dimension is totally drawn and it is a traditional method. Therefore, 3-dimensional animation requires more complex shaping process that certainly produces more realistic characters and becomes more expensive than 2-dimensional animation. 3-dimension and 2-dimension have different shape. They both are created by different method. 3-dimensional animation has three measurements that could be seen from the length, height, and even from width that is well-known as a ‘solid’ shape (Sandi7. 20...